Text to Donate Activity Design
The Text-to-Donate activity is essentially the core activity in GiveSmart Fundraise. Once you design a Text-to-Donate activity, you can design just about anything. The Text-to-Donate activity is a Donation form that can be accessed via a web lin...
Add Calculated Element
With the Calculated capability of GiveSmart Fundraise forms, you can create forms for things like membership payments and much more. Through the use of custom and calculated fields, the form possibilities are endless. Calculations allow you to as...
Add Form Elements
Truly personalize your forms by adding Form Elements . Form elements can help insert images, media, or rich text to your GiveSmart forms. Most importantly, they can capture a variety of additional information for reporting purposes. For our gui...
Basic Disaster Relief Campaign
This video will quickly show you how to set up a basic disaster relief campaign. It is a streamlined process to help you get a donation form in place as fast as possible, so you can spend your time helping others during the disaster. When you have...
Configure receipts for donors' tax deductible donations
You can configure receipts that go to your supporters in several ways. You can define a default template for all receipts, regardless of the Activity type (e.g. Text to Donate, Survey, Volunteer Signup, etc.) in the Account Settings. Then within eac...
Contact Information Section
Collect your supporter's information with the Contact Information section. Section Heading - This is where you can change the wording of the section header that is displayed above the corresponding section on your donation form. You can also l...
Automatic Fulfillment Reminders
Supporters who have pledged to donate will fulfill their pledge 70-80% of the time when reminders are sent. GiveSmart Fundraise's pledging functionality works in conjunction with Text to Donate, where a supporter can initiate a pledge by texting y...
Corporate Donation Matching
Double the Donation helps nonprofits double the impact of contributions by streamlining the gift match process, saving valuable time for you and your donors. While thousands of companies have a matching gifts program, many of employees’ gifts ...
Create New Form
You want to test one form vs. another. Or you decide you want to use your keyword to sell tickets instead of for a survey. Or you're using the second button in your Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising for a corporate sponsorship instead of a V...
Customizing Text Message Responses
I want to change the wording of the automated text message that my supporters get when they text in to order tickets, complete a survey, etc." This message was set up and locked into place in this format due to regulations. Right now, the onl...
Customizing the Automated Text Message Response
Due to strict TCPA regulations, organizations cannot change the initial text when a donor texts in to your donation keyword. However, there is an easy workaround. Instead of asking donors to use your Text to Donate keyword, you can use the Text to ...
Dynamic Actions
Dynamic Actions enable conditional logic to GiveSmart Fundraise forms, providing you many more options when setting them up. Dynamic Actions show fields or elements based on the user's selections. This gives you greater power to build forms that rev...
Dynamic Actions Example - Checkbox
This is an example build using Dynamic Actions, when you want to include an option for your supporter to choose whether to make this donation in honor of someone (or in memory of, etc.). It relies on a checkbox for creating the choice in the Dynami...
Dynamic Actions Example - Drop-Down Menus
This is an example build using Dynamic Actions when you want to include choices for your supporter to choose a specific item and different options will then appear. For example, choosing a College within a University will then display different c...
How to Enter a Donation
Making a donation through GiveSmart Fundraise is one of the most important functions to understand. This should be helpful for those looking to see what the donor experience looks like. Launch the Donation Form To find a donation form link, nav...
How to Add a Donation Form to Your Facebook Page
Learn how to setup your Facebook donation page and drive social donations via smartphones, tablets and PCs. Note: Facebook restricts smartphone and tablet users from clicking in-app donation page URLs. Be sure to complete all the Parts below to...
International Donations
Can international supporters donate? Yes. The GiveSmart Fundraise system is designed primarily for U.S. donors, but it will function for international donors with the following caveats: No Text to Donate Pledges : To pledge via text, a US mobile...
Logo and Branding Section (Text to Donate)
Designing any form in an activity starts with the Logo and Branding section. This section allows you to personalize the overall look of your forms at the form level. It will inherit the settings and images from Shared Settings and/or the Campaign Se...
Mobile Experience
Once donors open a new text message on their phone and text the keyword to the appropriate shortcode (for Fundraising keywords, 41444 or 91999), they immediately receive an automated response with a link to complete the donation. When they click th...
QR Codes
QR Codes are widely supported, with most smartphones able to scan the codes without extra software. Usually you scan a QR code to be taken to a web link. With QR Codes available in GiveSmart Fundraise, you can easily and quickly direct your suppo...
Receipts and Notifications Section
The Receipts and Notifications section of your form configuration allows you to control the automated communication with your constituents, customized for any particular form. You can configure and customize the Email Receipt and Email Notificat...
Recurring Donations Section
Recurring Giving is a great way to maximize donations and ensure constant funding from top supporters. For more about how Recurring Donations function, click here . Read below for how to enable the different capabilities of Recurring Donatio...
Suggested Amounts Section
Every form you create will have a Suggested Amounts section which, by default, appears below your form's logo and allows you to configure 3 Amounts linked to 3 buttons on your form. We recommend configuring these amounts to match your typical, ave...
What is Give Later?
Give Later is the equivalent of texting a pledge to donate when you do not have your mobile device available. You can enter your name, mobile number, and pledge amount in the Give Later form and you will receive the fulfillment reminders, just as if...
What is the best practice for a mobile fundraising call to action in print and online?
When promoting your mobile fundraising keyword in print or online advertisements, the exact phrasing is up to you. But best practice is that it include the following: 1) The short code - For mobile fundraising, it will be 41444 or 91999. The shor...