What are GiveSmart Fundraise, Events, and Donor CRM?
formerly known as MobileCause
formerly known as GiveSmart
formerly known as SimplyFundraisingCRM
How will I differentiate which platform I am using?
- The platforms are not changing their overall design, and each does look very different from the other, so we don't foresee a lot of confusion when you are within each application.
- The Logo in the upper left will indicate which application you are currently in: either GiveSmart Events or GiveSmart Fundraise. (GiveSmart Donor CRM is still in process of transitioning the brand)
When will SimplyFundraisingCRM in-app branding be updated to GiveSmart Donor CRM?
- The branding will not update immediately and is slated for later this year.
Is this a consolidation?
- No – there are no tools or capabilities going away.
What is changing for me?
- Nothing! The only thing changing is that you now have more options available! No functionality or access will be lost. Instead, additional capabilities are available as a GiveSmart customer.
Why should I use GiveSmart Fundraise AND GiveSmart Events?
- Both platforms have different strengths and features. While there are some overlapping capabilities, the use of both toolsets provides the ultimate fundraising opportunity, with year-round fundraising tools such as Peer-to-Peer, customizable donation forms and flexible recurring giving within Fundraise, and robust auction, event ticketing, and guest management tools within Events.
- To learn more about GiveSmart Fundraise, visit the Fundraise Knowledge Center here.
- To learn more about GiveSmart Events, visit the Events Help Center here.
Why should I use GiveSmart Donor CRM?
- This tool provides more simplified and intuitive donor and gifts management capabilities, including dynamic search and filtering capabilities, at an affordable cost. Having Donor CRM and fundraising tools all within one vendor, contract, and point of contact is a huge added value as well!
Who can I reach out to with more questions?
- Feel free to contact your Account Manager or Customer Success Manager.