Recurring Giving is a great way to maximize donations and ensure constant funding from top supporters. Great examples of recurring donation asks would be:
- "$50 a month sponsors an orphan's meals for that month."
- "Make a $120 pledge, fulfilled at $10 a month for a year."
Recurring Donations will be charged on the same date every week, month, quarter, or year.
For example, if they submit their original donation on the 10th of the month, they will always be billed on the 10th at the frequency selected (monthly, quarterly, or annually).
Recurring Donation SMS Notifications
After setting up a recurring gift, donors will receive a text notification before their credit card is charged:
Your <frequency> donation of <amount> will be processed this day.
To change, call 866-976-7999.
Donors will also receive a text acknowledgement after their credit card is successfully charged:
Your monthly donation of $20 has been processed.
Where can I find my Recurring Donations Report?
From the left navigation, select Existing Reporting > Recurring Donations. Enter your search criteria (if applicable) or click Search to return results. More reading here.
When is the donor's credit card charged each month?
For monthly recurring donations, subsequent installments occur one month and one day after the date the recurring donation was set up. This means if the initial donation was made on the 1st, it would be charged on the 2nd of every month thereafter.
This is because the system has a daily automated job that checks for recurring gifts to bill at 2:00am PST every morning. An exception to this is if a recurring donation was first made between 12am - 2am PST, where future installments would be billed the same day the gift was set up.
What if the credit card has expired?
Twenty (20) days before an expired credit card will be charged, donors will receive a text message directing them to a form to update their credit card information. When the recurring donation date is reached and the transaction receives a "declined" response from the payment gateway, the transaction is attempted again for 5 consecutive days. After that, the donation is deactivated.
The message a donor will receive if their card has expired is:
Your credit card ending in <Last 4> has expired. To continue your recurring donation to support <Org Name>, please update your credit card info here <URL to update card information>.
Can I edit or change a Recurring Donation?
Though you cannot change or edit the frequency of the donation, nor can you edit the key contact information like email and phone number, other modifications can be made.
See here for what can and can't be changed for existing recurring gifts, and how to make those changes.