Changing Your Password

Change Your Own Password (Fundraise Only Customers)

  • Click on your Name and Organization in the top right of your Dashboard.
  • Click Profile.
    User Profile Menu
  • You will be asked to enter your current password, and then input and confirm your new password
  • Click "Update" to save your new password

Password Reset

Change Your Own Password (Own Multiple GiveSmart Products)

Click the Change your password link under Time zone

A new page opens allowing you to enter and confirm the entry of a new password.  The 'auth0' URL is our secure SSO platform.  (EX Auth0 URL:

New passwords must meet the following criteria: 

Forgot Your Password (Fundraise Only Customers)

If you forget your password, you can change it using password reset:

Forgot Your Password 1

  • Enter the email address of your GiveSmart Fundraise account and click Send to receive an email with instructions to reset your password.

Forgot Your Password 2

Forgot Your Password (Own Multiple GiveSmart Products)

If you forget your password, you can change it using password reset:

  • Enter the email address of your GiveSmart Fundraise account and click Send to receive an email from 
  • From the email, click the Confirm Button and update password

Change Password for Parent Accounts

To change the password on a parent account:

  • Go to 
  • Click the text that says "Forgot your password?" (The password reset email will go to the email address on the parent account)
If you need to re-set the username on the parent account:
  • Go to Account Settings > User
  • Change the email address and click Update User
  • Then you can use the method above to set a new password
To change the password for a child account:
  • Log into the parent account
  • Then log in as admin to the child account
  • Click on Account Settings in the upper right corner
  • You will be asked to input your current password, and then input and confirm your new password
  • Click "Update" to save your new password