General & FAQ


Archive Forms
Activities can have multiple forms. If you have an extra online form that you wish to remove from an activity, you can archive it. When we say archive, it will actually delete the form itself, but maintain any data collected on that form, so you can...
Are donor and supporter mobile phone numbers automatically collected?
Yes. When somebody texts one of your keywords to the correct shortcode, their mobile number is automatically collected. This applies to all kinds of keywords on any of the shortcodes (41444, 51555, 71777, 91999) Constituents that interact with keyw...
Changing User Profile Settings
If you need to change your name, your password, add your mobile number, and more, you will want to go into your User Profile. Access your Profile Click on your Name and Organization, or the icon with your initial, in the top right of your Dashboa...
Changing Your Password
Change Your Own Password (Fundraise Only Customers) Click on your Name and Organization in the top right of your Dashboard. Click Profile . You will be asked to enter your  current password , and then input and confirm your  new password ...
Collapsing Navigation Bar
The GiveSmart Fundraise navigation along the left side of the application can collapse to provide more room on the screen for you to work with your campaigns, activities, reports, etc. To collapse or expand the navigation bar, click on the arrow in...
Do donors receive donation confirmations or acknowledgements?
When a donation has been successfully completed, the donor will receive a thank you text message and email confirmation (based on the information the donor provided on the donation form). Please note customers who are set up with a merchant account ...
Editing and Resizing Images
Certain images in GiveSmart Fundraise need to be a specific size to make the most of that image. For example, the Organization Logo that will appear at the top of any automated email correspondence with your supporters needs to be a maximum of 5...
GiveSmart Fundraise Login
Login at: Alternatively, select Login at and select GiveSmart Fundraise.  Tip: Bookmark to be immediately taken to the login page for your GiveSm...
GiveSmart Product Accessibility Assessment
GiveSmart   Web Content Accessibility  Compliance Statement :   GiveSmart aspires to build an inclusive culture with our community. We are taking steps to ensure that web accessibility is part of our DNA as we develop, deliver,...
How do I delete a keyword or campaign?
Though a Keyword Activity cannot be deleted on its own, its associated Campaign can be deleted, which will effectively delete the keyword. This article details how to delete campaigns, delete keyword activities by deleting a campaign, and reassign...
How long does it take for a keyword to be live or turned on?
Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising (71777), Text to Donate Fundraising/Engagement (41444 or 91999) and SMS Subscription (51555) keywords are live instantly on all cell phone carriers. The moment you save the keyword on your account, it is you...
Image Sizes
Image sizes on the forms will often stretch or shrink as needed, but it is recommended to have any image in your form be least a width of 476 pixels or more, so that other sites that may share image from your forms, like Facebook, will display the...
Query String Parameters
Create unique links for your supporters, so when they go to your form, such as from an email, their information is already populated in the form. Please note, this may be considered a more advanced option available to you. If you have concerns unde...
Quick Start Account Checklist
You just signed up with GiveSmart Fundraise. Your event is days away. Here are the absolute basics you need to get ready for your even. Click the buttons to be taken to the instruction pages: Do This Create a Merchant Account.   You need a wa...
Salesforce Integration
How does it work?  The GiveSmart Fundraise Salesforce integration is a daily automated API sync, which syncs newly settled transactions to your Salesforce instance as Opportunities.    Once the field mappings are established and the sync act...
Security Reminders
Our short code provider prohibits sending any content that is illegal, harmful, unwanted, inappropriate, objectionable, confirmed to be criminal misinformation, or otherwise poses a threat to the public, even if the content is permissible by law.  ...
Single Sign-On (SSO) Admin FAQs
When 2 or more GiveSmart products are owned, admin have the option to provide a single sign-on (SSO) experience to any admin they want to have access to all owned products.  Once an admin has been granted the SSO access, they can now create, edit ...
Thermometer Types and Features in GiveSmart Fundraise
Your GiveSmart Fundraise account has several styles of "thermometers" to show you and your supporters how you are progressing toward your goals in your event, campaign and more. This page shows what each thermometer option features and examples of ...
Tips, Rules and Requirements
Nonprofit organizations are focused on pushing toward giving goals and donor appreciation but don’t forget to review and share some important reminders to ensure continued positive donor experiences.  Here are some key tips: Remember that donors ...
Types of User Accounts
Instead of having several different roles with different types of access that you need to remember what each level allows, GiveSmart Fundraise keeps it simple with two main types of User accounts or roles: the Administrator (or Admin) and the User...
GiveSmart Fundraise API Documentation and Keys
If you're connecting GiveSmart Fundraise to a supported 3rd party application, an API key may be required. This article details how to retrieve your private API key from your GiveSmart Fundraise account.  NOTE:  Only users with Admin privileges i...
How do I map my GiveSmart payment form to a Salesforce Campaign?
You have the Salesforce Integration with GiveSmart Fundraise , and would like to set up your GiveSmart form so that transactions made through that form will sync to a Campaign you've set up in Salesforce. This article details the steps needed to ma...