Fundraise Knowledge Center
Setup & Settings
Campaigns & Activities
Message Center
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Toggle navigation
Visit Events or Donor CRM Help Center
Setup & Settings
Campaigns & Activities
Message Center
Contact Us
Setup & Settings
Campaigns & Activities
Message Center
Fundraising Inspiration and Resources
#GivingTuesday Kit
Year-End Giving Toolkit
Keyword Strategies
Navigation and Reporting Training
Text to Donate Activities Training
Create a Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser
Texting and Communication Training
Beyond the Basics Training: Corporate Sponsorships
Ticketing Training
Event Page Training
Analytics and Reporting Training
Setup & Settings
Account Settings
Apple Pay
Billing Account Settings
Can I choose types of credit cards to accept?
Connecting to Your PayPal Account
Corporate Donation Matching
Fundraiser Account Settings
GiveSmart Fundraise Settings
Google Pay
How can I use PayPal for Recurring Donations
How do I edit the organization short name?
Integrations Account Settings
Multi-Factor Authentication
Order History Account Settings
Organization Account Settings
PayPal and Venmo
PayPal and Venmo FAQ
QR Codes Account Settings
Receipts and Notifications Account Settings
Shared Settings Account Settings
Submit a Product Suggestion
Twitter Integration
Users Account Settings
User Security Settings
Year-End Consolidated Receipts
Why are my donors not receiving Email Receipts?
GiveSmart Fundraise Subscription Payment Receipts
Updating GiveSmart Fundraise Subscription Payments
When does our contract renew or expire?
What if we want to cancel our account?
General & FAQ
Archive Forms
Are donor and supporter mobile phone numbers automatically collected?
Changing User Profile Settings
Changing Your Password
Collapsing Navigation Bar
Do donors receive donation confirmations or acknowledgements?
Editing and Resizing Images
GiveSmart Fundraise Login
GiveSmart Product Accessibility Assessment
How do I delete a keyword or campaign?
How long does it take for a keyword to be live or turned on?
Image Sizes
Query String Parameters
Quick Start Account Checklist
Salesforce Integration
Security Reminders
Global Admin FAQs
Thermometer Types and Features in GiveSmart Fundraise
Tips, Rules and Requirements
User Roles and Permissions
GiveSmart Fundraise API Documentation and Keys
How do I map my GiveSmart payment form to a Salesforce Campaign?
What is a Global User?
Merchant Services
What are the Processing Fees associated with my Merchant Account?
How are collected donations transmitted to my bank account
Equipment Rentals
How do I swipe or scan credit cards at my event?
How will fees be charged if I have a merchant account?
Is my merchant account PCI Compliant?
Issue a Refund or Void
Merchant Account Application - Voided Check or Bank Letter
Merchant Account FAQs
Reconcile GiveSmart Fundraise Transactions in the Merchant Center
Credit Card Testing Explained
Using the Merchant Center
When do nonprofit organizations receive collected donations?
Can I transfer Recurring Donations from a different platform to my GiveSmart Merchant Account?
Product Updates
2024 Q4
2024 Q3
2024 Q2
2024 Q1
Donor CRM: Automate Tracking Donors, Thank You Letters, and Retaining Them to Give Again
GiveSmart Applications FAQ
Product Update Archive
2023 Q4
2023 Q3
2023 Q1 & Q2
2022 Q4
Release Notes 2022 Q3 (July through September)
Release Notes 2022 Q2 (April through June)
Promotional Codes
Promotional Codes
What Payment Methods are accepted through GiveSmart Fundraise Forms?
Campaigns & Activities
Create an Activity
Copying Activities
Creating a GiveSmart Events Activity
Where can I find the Public Link to my Forms?
How do I stop new donations, purchases, or form submissions?
Why is my keyword Superseded?
Error Message - Keyword String Already Taken
Campaign Activity Actions
Creating a Campaign
How do I change an existing Campaign name or description?
What do the colors on the campaign tiles mean?
What is on the Campaign Activities Dashboard?
Corporate Sponsorship
Corporate Sponsorship Activity Design
Confirmation Page (Corporate Sponsorships)
Contact Information Section (Corporate Sponsorships)
Form Submit Section (Corporate Sponsorships)
Logo and Branding Section (Corporate Sponsorships)
Payment Information (Corporate Sponsorships)
Recurring Donations Section (Corporate Sponsorship)
Sponsorship Using Donation Buttons
Sponsorship Using Item Form Element
Sponsorship Using Manual Creation
Sponsorship Using Manual Donation Amount
Suggested Amounts Section (Corporate Sponsorships)
Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
Set Up a Crowdfunding and Peer to Peer Activity
Adding a Description to Sign Up on the Donation Form
Confirmation Page
Create Crowdfunding and Peer to Peer Teams
Crowdfunding and Peer to Peer Campaign Quick Setup Video
Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising - Keyword (Activity) Setup
Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Sign Up Form Design
Crowdfunding Form Submit Section
Donor Experience with Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
Fundraiser Dashboard
Fundraiser Signup Walkthrough
Fundraising Page - Banner
Fundraising Page Design
Fundraising Page - Media Carousel
How can a fundraiser edit their personal fundraising page?
How do I edit the Social Media Settings for a Crowdfunding and Peer to Peer Activity?
How does an individual fundraiser set up, edit and promote a crowdfunding page?
How to Use Crowdfunding for a Paid Registration Event
Logo & Branding (Crowdfunding Fundraising Page, Theme 1)
Managing Offline Donations
Mobile Experience
Reports for your Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
Setting Up and Editing Fundraisers
Sign Up Form - Logo and Branding
Units Based Goals
General & FAQ
Customer Learning Opportunities
Add Agree to Terms Element
Add Checkbox Element
Add Date Element
Add Drop-Down Element
Add Hidden Element
Add Item Element
Add or Manage Sections
Add Text Element
Bulk Offline Uploading
Confirmation Page
Copying Form Elements
Copying Forms
Create a Survey Activity
Embed Code Section
Embedding a Form into a website
Footer Message Section
Form Submit Section
How can I add a custom message to my Thank You page?
How can I let my donors cover the Processing Fee?
How do I enter an Offline Donation?
How do I create short links for donation pages?
How do I edit my social share setting for donation pages and online forms?
How do I move the Online Form so it won't cover part of my image?
Set or Edit a Campaign and Activity Goal
How do I remove the default donation box on my form?
How do we set up a subscription form for our website?
Why are my Suggested Amounts Buttons not Showing?
How does a non-profit collect numbers for their constituent lists?
How do I enable Email Notifications on a Form?
How to make the form logo bigger
Keyword Page (Activity Setup Page)
Logo and Branding Section
Mailing List Subscription Explained
Moving Form Elements
Payment Information Section
How do I add a Check or Pledge Option to a Payment Form? (Pay Later)
Reuse, Move or Reassign a keyword to a new activity
Rich Text Editor
Tribute Gifts (In Honor / Memoriam / Birthday / Shout Outs)
What happens if one of my donors text the wrong keyword?
What is the Payment Section Visibility option?
Using Your GiveLater Form
Landing Pages
Activity Landing Page Design
Activity Landing Page Add Sections
Activity Landing Page Banner Section
Activity Landing Page Event Details Section
Activity Landing Page Footer Section
Activity Landing Page Image Hero Section
Activity Landing Page Impact Section
Activity Landing Page Keyword Section
Activity Landing Page Live Event Section
Activity Landing Page Logo & Branding Section
Activity Landing Page Progress Section
Activity Landing Page Social Sharing Section
Activity Landing Page Sponsors Section
Activity Landing Page Theme Section
Activity Landing Page Tips and FAQs
Campaign Landing Page
Landing Page - Add Recorded or Livestream Videos
Live Event Assistance
Can multiple event producers use our account if our organization is the beneficiary of their event?
Edit Event Details
Emergency After-Hours Event Support
Templates for Table Tent Artwork
Template Powerpoint Instruction Slide
Logo and Branding Section (Membership)
Payment Form
Logo and Branding Section (Payment Form)
Logo and Branding Section (Petition)
Registration Activity Design
Confirmation Page (Registration)
Contact Information Section (Registration)
Creating RSVP Forms
Form Submit Section (Registration)
Logo and Branding Section (Registration)
Payment Information (Registration)
Recurring Donations Section (Registration)
Registration Using an RSVP Section
Suggested Amounts Section (Registration)
SMS Subscription
Set Up a Text to Subscribe (SMS) Activity
Edit Automated Text Message Responses
How can people subscribe to receive text messages?
Survey Activity Design
Contact Information Section (Survey)
Form Submit Section (Survey)
Logo and Branding Section (Survey)
Text to Donate Fundraising
Text to Donate Activity Design
Add Calculated Element
Add Form Elements
Basic Disaster Relief Campaign
Configure receipts for donors' tax deductible donations
Contact Information Section
Automatic Fulfillment Reminders
Corporate Donation Matching
Create New Form
Customizing Text Message Responses
Customizing the Automated Text Message Response
Dynamic Actions
Dynamic Actions Example - Checkbox
Dynamic Actions Example - Drop-Down Menus
How to Enter a Donation
How does Recurring Giving work on donation forms?
How to Add a Donation Form to Your Facebook Page
International Donations
Logo and Branding Section (Text to Donate)
Mobile Experience
QR Codes
Receipts and Notifications Section
Recurring Donations Section
Suggested Amounts Section
What is Give Later?
What is the best practice for a mobile fundraising call to action in print and online?
Setting Up a Fundraising Event Form & Thermometer
Display the Fundraising Thermometer On-Screen
How do I enter checks, cash and matching gifts so they show up on the fundraising thermometer?
How do I find the URL link to my fundraising thermometer?
How do I personalize or edit my fundraising thermometer?
How do I remove pledges from the thermometer?
Name Length on the Thermometer
Reset Fundraising Thermometer
Using the Fundraising Thermometer page as just a donor wall
Ticketing Activity
Ticketing Activity Design
Ticketing Manage Guests
Ticketing Check-In
Card on File
Collect Guest Info
Logo and Branding Section (Ticketing)
Volunteer Signup
Volunteer Signup Design
Creating a Volunteer Signup Form
Logo and Branding Section (Volunteer Signup)
Website Donation Form
How Do I Set Up my Website Donation Form?
How do I embed my Website Donation Form?
Best Practices for adding your GiveSmart Fundraise Donation Page to Your Website
Create Lists from Contacts
Donor Portal
Edit a Supporter's Information
Send Consolidated Year End Tax Information to One Supporter
How do I add numbers to a list?
How to Upload and Validate Mobile Numbers
How will I know when my mobile validation list has uploaded?
Manage Lists: Mobile Subscriber Lists
Remove Contacts from a List
Message Center
How do I send a text message?
Enhanced Text Messaging
How can donors unsubscribe from receiving text messages?
How can I see the message my supporters text with a keyword?
How do I keep track of text messages sent, scheduled and received?
How many messages should people expect to receive?
How many text messages can we send per month?
Long-form Text Messages
Personalized Text Messages
Sharing Content via Text Messages
Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) Fact Sheet for Non-Profits
Text Analytics
What compliance or disclaimer language do I legally need?
What is a shortcode?
Why only 134 Characters for my text message?
Video Previews in Text Messages
Email Design Studio
Connecting a Constant Contact Account to your GiveSmart Fundraise Account
Syncing Existing Contact Lists between Constant Contact and GiveSmart Fundraise
Designing and Sending Emails with the Email Design Studio
Email Reporting
In-App Messaging for Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
Activity Keywords
Campaign Metrics
Email Reporting
Export from GiveSmart Fundraise to GiveSmart Donor CRM
How do I export the results of a Non Payment Form
How do I get notified of a failed recurring donation?
How do I Move Pledges or Donations?
Manage Pledges
Manage Recurring Donations
Pledged, Pending, and Collected Donations
Recurring Donation Reporting
Resend and Download Receipts
Saved Reports
Search Transactions
Connecting Google Analytics to GiveSmart Fundraise
Text Analytics
What donor information is exported in a donation report?
Why is there no mobile number for failed credit card donations?
What is a Donor Profile?
GiveSmart Help Center
Last Modified on 08/29/2024 1:50 pm PDT