How do I stop new donations, purchases, or form submissions?

Though perpetual fundraising is always encouraged, we understand there are situations where you'd want to prevent or stop new donations/purchases/submissions from being made through a GiveSmart Fundraise activity. Perhaps a goal or capacity has been reached, or your campaign or event is simply over and you want to put a hard stop on the donations/purchases/form submissions for that particular initiative. 

Deactivating the Keyword associated with your Campaign or Activity is the best practice for preventing new donations, purchases, or form submissions. 

Once a keyword is deactivated, any online forms and pages associated with that keyword activity would no longer be able to be accessed, and texting the keyword would result in an 'invalid keyword' reply. You can also reactivate a keyword at any time if need be. The steps to Deactivate and Reactivate a Keyword Activity are detailed below. 

Deactivate a Keyword

From the left navigation, select Activity Keywords. 

Select Actions on the right-hand side for the keyword you wish to deactivate. 

Select the Deactivate option. 

A warning message will pop up to confirm, which you can select "OK". 

From the Campaign's Dashboard, the Inactive keyword will be listed, along with the date it was made inactive. 

Deactivating a Keyword - The Aftermath

Your keyword is now deactivated and removed from the Activity Keywords listing. Any online forms and pages associated with that keyword activity would no longer be able to be accessed, and texting the keyword would result in an 'invalid keyword' reply.

The following message is returned on any links accessed that are associated with a deactivated keyword. 

The URL will include the keyword ID, which you can provide to Support if you need assistance reactivating a keyword/form/page (steps below). 

Note: There is no impact to any Recurring Donations that were set up on a keyword that is deactivated. Regardless of a keyword's status, Recurring Donations will continue to process as usual, unless they are manually cancelled from Manage Recurring Donations

Reactivate a Keyword

From the left navigation, select Activity Keywords.

Filter by the Inactive status to view any inactive keywords. 

To reactivate a keyword, select Actions on the right-hand side > Reactivate Keyword. 

All forms links and landing pages associated with the keyword activity will be restored, including text to donate capabilities.