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  1. Training

    Learn about your GiveSmart Fundraise account to make the most of it! Note : If you are interested in personalized training, please contact your account manager or Services to discuss pricing. The GiveSmart Fundraise Fundamentals series of tra...
  2.  Navigation and Reporting Training

    The GiveSmart Fundraise Fundamentals series of training sessions take you through the most common usage of a GiveSmart Fundraise account, through four different sessions.  For more on the  classes/recordings, click here . Get to know your GiveSmar...
  3. Using the Merchant Center

    The CardPointe Merchant Center is the reporting module where you can view deposit/batch reporting, retrieve processing statements, issue partial refunds, and view any chargeback details.  Below, we take you through some of the most common function...
  4. Image Sizes

    Image sizes on the forms will often stretch or shrink as needed, but it is recommended to have any image in your form be least a width of 476 pixels or more, so that other sites that may share image from your forms, like Facebook, will display the...
  5. Users Account Settings

    GiveSmart Fundraise supports an unlimited number of users on your account. If there are others in your organization that need access to the platform you can easily add additional users. From the Users category, you can create new users, edit exist...
  6. Manage Recurring Donations

    This article defines and describes what you can and cannot modify on a Recurring Donation. Editing Recurring Donations For security reasons, GiveSmart Fundraise Support Staff and Non-Profit Organizations cannot change or modify certain parts ...
  7. Search Transactions

    Your organization can access donation and donor information in real-time and export a report of donations and donor information that you have collected in your various activities. You can include multiple types of donations in one report while filte...
  8.  Set Up a Crowdfunding and Peer to Peer Activity

    Crowdfunding and Peer to Peer Fundraising empowers your supporters and staff to efficiently collect donations on your behalf from their social networks. Individuals can easily set up their own fundraising pages in minutes from any device. All donati...
  9.  Activity Landing Page Design

    The Activity Landing Page is a standalone web page with a singular focus created specifically for an activity. Previously called the Events Page, the Activity Landing Page is where visitors land after clicking on an email, ad, web search or social m...
  10. Receipts and Notifications Section

    The Receipts and Notifications section of your form configuration allows you to control the automated communication with your constituents, customized for any particular form.  You can configure and customize the Email Receipt and Email Notificat...