How do I enable Email Notifications on a Form?

If you want certain users in your organization to be alerted when a form is completed, navigate to your form's configuration and expand the Receipts and Notifications section.  

To enable email notifications, check the 'Email' box by Notify Recipient(s) on Submit.

Next, select Edit Notification to choose who you would like to receive email notifications for this form (under Notification Recipients), and edit the content of the email (Notification Message). 

Org Email Notification

Add Notification Recipient(s)

When you click in the box to add who you would like to receive the notification, it will automatically drop down and show you the users in your account. As you type, it will filter the list so you can more easily find the proper recipient. Select one or more recipients as desired.

Note: Only users in your GiveSmart Fundraise account are eligible to receive these notifications. To learn how to add users, click here.

Customize the Notification Message

By default, the notification message will include basic information such as the donor name and amount. Similar to the Email Receipt message, the Notification Message can be customized/personalized as needed. 

What is the Copy From Receipt option? 

Note: There is not an option for users to be BCC'd on the automated Email Receipts that donors receive. In lieu of this, you may opt to use the Email Notification and select Copy From Receipt. This way, you will receive the same customized email content that a donor would receive. Just use caution, as selecting this option will overwrite the current Notification Message with the message configured in the Email Receipt for this form.