Where can I find the Public Link to my Forms?

For any Activity you create within GiveSmart Fundraise, this generates an Online Form. This article details how to locate the Public (shareable) Link to any online form.  

Important Note: The Public Link is the only secure and shareable link to your form. Any other form links retrieved in an automated manner (e.g. a personal link included in an automated keyword reply) are NOT to be shared under any circumstances. 

Locating the Public Form Link in a Campaign Activity

From the main Dashboard, locate and access the Campaign where the form is located. Simply click the Campaign's tile or Progress Bar to access the Campaign (no need to select any of the action buttons). 

The Campaign's activities will be listed, along with their associated forms underneath them. Select the Form Name you'd like to retrieve the Public Link for: 

This brings you directly to the form's configuration. At the top, note the Public Link. So long as the associated keyword is active, this link is live and shareable. 

Important Note: The Public Link is the only shareable link to your form. Any other form links retrieved in an automated manner (e.g. a personal link included in an automated keyword reply) are NOT to be shared under any circumstances. 

If you prefer not to use the shortened link (igfn.us/form) right-click the Public Link > Open link in new tab where you can copy and share the form's full URL (https://fundraise.givesmart.com/form/) from your browser. 

Public Link for the Website Donation Form

From the left navigation, select Website Donation Form

Scroll to the bottom of the page, were you'll find the Public [Secure] link to this form.