Set Up a Text to Subscribe (SMS) Activity

A Text-to-Subscribe activity allows your supporters to text your unique keyword to 51555, to opt in to receive texts from your organization.

This activity type is a marketing opportunity to create general awareness about your organization, upcoming events, partnerships, and to grow your supporter database without necessarily soliciting donations. 

When promoting a text-to-subscribe keyword, your marketing should be entertaining or offer valuable information that connects people to your cause to optimize and engage supporters. 

Create a Text-to-Subscribe Activity

To create an Text-to-Subscribe Activity, click New Activity > Texting keyword > Text-to-Subscribe.

This brings you to the keyword setup page. Click here for keyword strategies. 

Create a Keyword and choose or create a new Campaign.

Select the Messaging Type.

Messaging Type

There are two Messaging Types available. Both options yield the same result when a supporter texts in your keyword: they are added to the subscriber database. What separates the two options is what the supporter experiences.

One-Time Response

  1. Someone texts your keyword to 51555.
  2. They immediately receive the custom response you have written.
  3. They are added to your list of subscribers for that keyword.

Your response can say whatever you want and can include links.

Subscription Based

  1. Someone texts your keyword to 51555.
  2. They receive an automated response telling them they have been subscribed.
  3. They are added to your list of subscribers for that keyword.

The preset message that subscribers will receive if Subscription Based is selected will be:

Click Save to save the Text-to-Subscribe activity and begin marketing it to supporters.

View your Text-to-Subscribe Activities

To view all your Text-to-Subscribe activities, use the left navigation and select Existing Activities > Subscription.

All existing Text-to-Subscribe activities will be listed and available to edit under Actions.