How do I edit my social share setting for donation pages and online forms?

  1. Go to:
  2. Cut and paste your page URL (e.g. and click Debug.
  3. If a logo is not appearing correctly try uploading a 500x500 logo to your form.
    (You can hide it if you like and add the exact logo using a custom image in a custom field.)
  4. The Facebook share title and description defaults to your Campaign name and description. 
    • The Description can be changed within the Social Media Settings of the activity, but the name/title will stay as the Campaign name.
  5. You can edit these settings inside the Campaign:
    • Click the Settings icon on the Campaign tile
    • In Settings within the campaign, open the Properties section
    • Edit the Campaign Name and Description
  6. After you have updated the image, campaign title, and campaign description you can "fetch new information" using the Facebook debugger tool.
  7. You should see the preview of your share settings appear. If it is not correct follow the steps above again to edit.