What is a shortcode?

What is a shortcode?

A shortcode is a five-digit specialized phone number. Shortcodes are used in tandem with keywords to initiate donations and mobile subscriptions. In other words, the shortcode is the phone number that a constituent will send a text to. 

Shortcodes are shared between all GiveSmart Fundraise customers and keywords are limited based on availability.

Each shortcode distinguishes the type of activity and has been programmed to trigger a specific action when it receives a text message with a unique keyword. Shortcodes cannot be changed.

  • 41444 and 91999 are used for the majority of  Fundraising activities. 
  • 51555 is used for SMS Subscriptions. 
  • 71777 is used for Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Activities. 

How do shortcodes work with keywords?

The keyword is what your supporters send to a shortcode in order to interact with your organization through GiveSmart Fundraise. For more on Keywords, click here.

Fundraising Shortcodes (41444 and 91999)

You have the choice of either 41444 or 91999 for a Fundraising Activity Keyword. Because shortcodes are shared among GiveSmart Fundraise clients, a prospective keyword may already be in use by another organization (see: keyword string already taken).

TIP: If a keyword is already in use by another organization, try altering the keyword or choosing a different shortcode.

These shortcodes are used for the majority of activity types in GiveSmart Fundraise: Text to Donate, Ticketing, Surveys, Volunteer sign-ups, etc.

Fundraising Shortcodes - Automated Replies

The primary use of the Fundraising Shortcodes is the ability to send automated fulfillment reminders when a text pledge is initiated by texting your keyword. For more about the Fulfillment Reminders, click here.

When someone texts your keyword + shortcode combination, they will receive an automated reply.

Thanks for supporting [Your Organization Short Name].

Click here to complete:

Msg&data rates may apply. 4 msgs/mo. Text HELP for help, Text STOP to end

If your keyword was set up as a Text to Donate activity type, it will indicate the pledged amount. 

You pledged $[Amount].

Complete here:

Reply CANCEL to cancel.

Msg&data rates may apply. 4 msgs/mo. Text HELP for help, Text STOP to end

The verbiage of these automated messages cannot be changed. If you want a different automated reply, see the SMS Subscription Shortcode section below.

Subscription Shortcode (51555)

When an SMS Subscription activity is set up, this uses the shortcode 51555. For detailed information about the SMS subscription features, click here.

What is special about it?

A Subscription Activity (51555) can be configured to send a "One Time Response", which allows you to personalize the automated reply that is sent to your supporters when they text your keyword to 51555. 

Sometimes you can use a Subscription keyword/shortcode in place of the Fundraising keyword/shortcode if you do not like the wording of the Fundraising reply. You can write your automated reply and simply use the link to your Fundraising activity in the message.

IMPORTANT: A Subscription Activity keyword will not send automated fulfillment reminders. Fulfillment reminders are exclusive to Fundraising Activity types (41444 or 91999). Donations initiated via 51555 will not generate a pledge and therefore will not be eligible to appear on a fundraising thermometer unless a donation is completed. 

Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Shortcode (71777)

This shortcode is used exclusively for Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising activity types. For more on this, click here.

What is special about it?

A keyword established on a Crowdfunding/Peer-to-Peer activity (71777) will generate additional sub-keywords based on the root keyword. This becomes useful as peer fundraisers sign up or create teams under Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising activity. 

You can market the main (root) keyword (example: CFEXAMPLE on 71777) to direct constituents to your Peer-to-Peer landing page where they can donate or sign up as a fundraiser. When an individual signs up as a fundraiser, they receive an auto-generated keyword based on the root one (for example: CFEXAMPLE4) that is unique to their personal fundraising page. 

IMPORTANT: A Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Activity keyword will not send automated fulfillment reminders. Fulfillment reminders are exclusive to Fundraising Activity types (41444 or 91999).