Global Admin FAQs

When 2 or more GiveSmart products are owned, admins have the option to provide a Global single sign-on (SSO) experience to any admin they want to have access to all owned products.  Once an admin has been granted Global access, they can create, edit or delete other Global Users. 

To learn how to create a Global admin, click here

Adding, editing and deleting a Global admin in GiveSmart Fundraise has effects on the profiles in the other GiveSmart products.  

New Global Admin

What happens when I create a Global Admin in Fundraise? 

Creating a new Global Admin:

  • In Events: the user is created as an Organization Admin with SSO permissions. No welcome email is triggered.  Find out how to sent the welcome email here
  • In Donor CRM: the user is created as an admin with SSO Admin permissions

Promoting an existing Admin: 

  • In Events:
    • If they are an existing Organization Admin with a matching email and phone, they will be granted SSO Admin permissions
    • If they are an Organization Admin with a mismatched email or phone, you will receive an error to update their contact info 
    • If they are an existing Campaign Admin, you will receive an error instructing you to promote them to an Organization Admin
  • In Donor CRM:
    • If they are a User with the same email, they will be updated to an Admin with SSO Admin permissions
    • If they are an Admin with the same email, they will be updated with SSO Admin permissions

Demoting a Global Admin

What happens when a Global Admin is demoted to a general Admin in Fundraise? 

  • In Events: the Admin remains as an Organization Admin, but Global Admin permissions are removed
  • In CRM: the Admin remains as an Admin, but Global Admin permissions are removed

Deleting a Global Admin

Delete a Global Admin in Fundraise

  • In Events: the Admin is demoted to a general User
  • In CRM: the Admin is made inactive

How is this different than deleting a general Admin in Fundraise?

Having the Global Admin experience is what links the profiles across the 3 GiveSmart products. When the SSO Admin status is removed prior to deleting the admin, the connection between the other GiveSmart products is broken, and it no longer has an effect on those profiles. 

When deleting a general Admin in Fundraise when the same user has Admin profiles in Events & CRM, they will retain their existing Admin status in the respective products. 

  • In Events: the Admin remains an Org Hub admin (or retains their existing Admin level)
  • In CRM: the Admin remains an Admin (or retains their existing Admin level)