Using the Merchant Center

The CardPointe Merchant Center is the reporting module where you can view deposit/batch reporting, retrieve processing statements, issue partial refunds, and view any chargeback details.  Below, we take you through some of the most common functions available in the merchant center. For more detailed information, check out the CardConnect's support site here.

Access the Merchant Center

Click here to access CardPointe:

If you're an Admin in GiveSmart and need help getting access to the CardPointe Merchant Center, click Contact Us above to reach out to Support. 

Add New Users

There is no limit to the number of user logins you can create for the Merchant Center.

Click on the Administration tab.

Administration Nav

From the Admin page, click on Users.

Administration Users Nav

Click on the New User button, and on the next page you will be asked to fill in the fields to set up the info for the user you are creating.

Administration Users New User

Enter the First Name, Last Name, and the Email for the user. 

CardPointe User Types:

  • Super Admin: You may see a user listed as Super Admin, which simply indicates they were the original user for the account. The user permissions are no different than that of a standard Admin. 
  • Admin: Automatically has all site permissions, including the ability to void/refund and manage users. 
  • Standard: When this user type is selected, you will be able to manually select which permissions to grant the user.

New User

When you are done, scroll to the bottom and click Save. After saving, the user will receive an email from to set up their username and password to access the merchant center. 

Process Refunds or Void Transactions

Note: Full refunds and voids should be done directly within the GiveSmart Fundraise module. Refunds or Voids executed directly in CardPointe will not update the transaction's status in Fundraise. 

Partial refunds can be issued through the Merchant Center. For instructions on how to issue a partial refund, click here.

Download your Processing Statement and Fee Breakdown

You will be able to download a statement of your account activity for the previous month's processing period. These statements become available at the beginning of each month, typically between the 2nd & 5th and will detail the processing fees that were assessed for the prior month. 

After logging in, click the Reporting tab.

Administration Nav Reporting

Click the Statements tab on the right.

Reporting Statements

Statements will be generated for each month's payment period, and you can click on the button under the Date column to download each statement as a PDF.

Statement Page

Statement PDF

Scroll to the bottom of your statement to view the Fees assessed for that month's processing period, detailed by card type. 

View Batch/Deposit Details

Click here for the steps on how to reconcile your GiveSmart Fundraise transactions with your deposits. 

Set Up Email Notifications for Funding Activity

You can set up email notifications for a variety of different account activities in your Merchant Center, including funding events to your bank, availability of statements, and transaction details such as chargebacks or refunds.

After logging in to your Merchant Center, click the Administration tab.

Administration Nav

Click on the Users tab, and select the user login you would like to edit.

Select User

Click the Email Notifications tab.

Email Notification

Choose the account activity for which you would like to receive email notifications.

Three commonly useful selections:

  1. Funding Summary - Receive a notification when deposits or withdrawals have been made to your bank account.
  2. Statement - Receive a notification when your monthly statement is available for download in the Merchant Center.
  3. Chargeback - Receive a notification for any Chargeback events.

Email Choices

Review Chargebacks

We suggest reviewing the Chargebacks section on a regular basis, and/or setting up the email notifications to be received any time a charge back is issued to your merchant account.


To resolve chargebacks, the you will need to call 800-672-5007 to speak with a representative to further assist on the necessary steps to take to resolve the chargeback.

They may ask you to provide your Merchant ID (MID) which can be found by going to the Administration tab then on the Descriptors tab go to Locations.