Create unique links for your supporters, so when they go to your form, such as from an email, their information is already populated in the form.
By adding items to the web link or URL, you can personalize the form and auto-populate fields in the form.[amount]=1543&init[first_name]=John&init[last_name]=Smith&init[email]=training@[state]=CA&init[zip]=91301&init[greetings]=<h1>Hello%20John!</h1>
Any variable (Reporting Label from a Form element) can be used with this feature.
- Maximum URL Length: 2048 characters
- This is a save limit based on what various browsers can handle. Creating a longer link will usually not be followed when clicked or selected.
- Number formatting: No commas.
- If you are adding a donation amount, enter it without commas, like 1500 vs. 1,500.
- Text Box (Long or Short) Maximum: 250 characters
- There may be a lesser maximum, so be sure to test this if you have a long entry.
- Browser Autocorrects: Various characters in your link may appear to change when you follow the link.
- A space will change to %20
- The brackets will change to %5B and %5D
- Most modern browsers should be able to resolve the URL either way, but the browser resolved version (the one with the % items) should be most compatible.
Basic Options - Pre populate form fields
Start with your Form's base URL:
Add items to your URL to personalize it using the following format:
- First value in the url: ?init[Reporting_label]=value
- Any additional value in the url: &init[Reporting_label]=value[amount]=1543&init[email]
Default Variables:
- [amount] - this will populate the donation amount
- [first_name]
- [last_name]
- [phone]
- [email]
- [street_address]
- [city]
- [state] - Case sensitive, use capital letters only. Even though it is displayed with the full state name, the URL will only accept the two character state code (CA, NY, IL, etc.)
- [zip] - this is set up to use a 5-digit zip code. Even if you put in a 9-digit zip, it will still only resolve to a 5-digit one.
- [gender] - this IS case sensitive and is defined by:
- M or Male: male
- F or Female: female
- Intersex: intersex
- Non-Binary: non-binary
- Transgender%20Male: transgender male
- Transgender%20Female: transgender female
- I%20prefer%20not%20to%20say: I prefer not to say
- [recurring_frequency] - this chooses the different frequencies in your recurring donation section. Note that the identifier is all lower case to work properly:
- weekly
- monthly
- quarterly
- yearly
- [recurring_limit] - if you are using either the Fixed Term or Pay Over Time options in your recurring donations, you can also set the numerical value based on the number available in the drop down you create. Make sure to stay within your choices in your drop down, though.
- Example: If, in your Recurring Donations options, you Set Max Number of Allowed Payments to 12, and you try to use ?init[recurring_limit]=13, then it will revert to the Select option on the drop down.
- Example: If, in your Recurring Donations options, you Set Max Number of Allowed Payments to 12, and you try to use ?init[recurring_limit]=13, then it will revert to the Select option on the drop down.
Advanced Options - Form Formatting
One very exciting feature of this functionality is that you can also personalize different design elements on your form. For example, as shown above, your default form may say "Hello fantastic donor" but you can have a personalized form with your donor's name and have it say, "Hello John!" This can be accomplished because of the Reporting Labels within your added Form Elements, as described here.
Step 1: Add the Form Element
All form elements, whether they are for data collection or design have a reporting label when you create it. This is what you will use for the Query String Parameter. In the example below, our Text element is labeled as "Greetings"
Step 2 - Create and test the basic new label
With a text element, you will likely want to use HTML formatting, but it is a good idea to first try it as just text to make sure it works as you want.
In this example, we're setting the reporting label, "Greetings," on the form from whatever it was for the default donor, to something specific for our special donor. Since it is the only element we'll change in this example, we will add it as ?init[Greetings]=Hello John! for a full URL of:[Greetings]=Hello John!
Step 3 - Formatting with HTML
The example in Step 2 changes or adds the special/personal text to the form, but you may want to format it so it will stand out or look better on your form. You do this by adding HTML code to the parameter value:[Greetings]=<h2><strong><em>Hello John!</em></strong></h2>