

Campaign Activity Actions
From within your Campaign, by clicking on your Campaign tile, you can view all activities and forms within the campaign. Interaction through Action Menus The Action Menus are context sensitive, so you will have different options available dependin...
Creating a Campaign
Your dashboard will show you all of your campaigns below the account-wide analytics. Besides a quick view to see how your campaigns are doing and providing the primary way to interact with your campaigns, this is also where you can create new campai...
How do I change an existing Campaign name or description?
Campaign Names can be changed directly on the  Campaign tile on the dashboard by moving your mouse over the Campaign and then clicking on the Pencil icon in the middle and editing the Campaign title. The title and description can be changed by c...
What do the colors on the campaign tiles mean?
The colors on the campaign tiles on the dashboard will usually be a teal or opal color, but you may see other colors. These other colors indicate that the only activity you have in that campaign is a Text to Donate form or a Crowdfunding and Peer-...
What is on the Campaign Activities Dashboard?
When you click on your campaign, you are taken to the Campaign Activities page.  This will show all the activities or forms that you have created within this campaign. In the upper right, you can create new activities from this page. The main s...