

How do I add numbers to a list?
You may wish to add additional supporters to a list you already have. Maybe you are uploading a list that has multiple numbers for a supporter and you want to verify which of those numbers are mobile numbers. Maybe you just wish to add more supporte...
 How to Upload and Validate Mobile Numbers
14% of your donors change their mailing address each year and more than half of them no longer have a landline. Their mobile number is the most consistent record in your donor database, and text messages are the most convenient way to keep suppor...
How will I know when my mobile validation list has uploaded?
After uploading your list from  Lists > +New List you can refresh the active list screen to see how many numbers have been verified.  Usually this process only takes a few minutes. If you have a large list, or if your list has many fields, th...
Manage Lists: Mobile Subscriber Lists
To see lists of subscribers for crowdfunding, fundraising and mobile marketing campaigns click Lists . View subscribers By List or By Individual . Clicking on each list shows a breakdown of which numbers are verified and how many numb...
Remove Contacts from a List
if you wish to edit your list within GiveSmart Fundraise, you can remove contacts from specific lists to keep the lists more up to date. To do so: From the left navigation, select Lists. Click a list to modify. Search for the contact to r...