New Articles

  1. Single Sign-On (SSO) Admin FAQs

    When 2 or more GiveSmart products are owned, admin have the option to provide a single sign-on (SSO) experience to any admin they want to have access to all owned products.  Once an admin has been granted the SSO access, they can now create, edit ...
  2. 2024 Q2

    April 1 - June 30 GiveSmart Events New Feature Campaign Site Settings:  within the org hub, admins can generate a report to review campaign settings across all campaigns within the organization. C ampaign Item Stats Report : within the...
  3. CRM: Bulk Edit Gifts

    Gifts can be bulk edited to delete gifts, add/change available fields or remove fields.   Locate the bulk action feature by selecting Gifts from the left navigation, and choose Gift Listing from the dropdown.  To apply an advanced filter or ...
  4. CRM: Data Import & Review

    Review manually imported data, automated data flowing to GiveSmart Donor CRM from Events & Fundraise and manage your duplicate contacts from the Data Import & Review tab found in the left navigation.   Important : All accounts will default to...
  5. CRM: Submit a Product Suggestion

    Product Suggestion Policy Here at GiveSmart we love to hear how our platform can better suit your fundraising needs.  If you find yourself wishing we had a certain feature, or have a suggestion on how a current feature could be improved, we want to...
  6. Submit a Product Suggestion

    Product Suggestion Policy Here at GiveSmart we love to hear how our platform can better suit your fundraising needs.  If you find yourself wishing we had a certain feature, or have a suggestion on how a current feature could be improved, we want to...
  7. CRM: Communication Options

    GiveSmart Donor CRM has multiple options for emailing your contacts.  From gift thank you's to email marketing campaigns, we have you covered.   To locate the communication options, from the left navigation select Communications . Here you will ...
  8. CRM: Quick Reports

    Within GiveSmart Donor CRM we have created quick report options to assist you in getting the information you need quickly.  To locate the report options, from the left navigation select Reports .  At the top of the Reports page, notice there are ...
  9. CRM: Communications Email Campaign

    Donor CRM has the ability to create email campaigns for marketing communications allowing you to send custom messages to segmented groups of contacts.   NOTE : To send a gift or pledge thank you , pledge reminder or year-end letter, use the op...
  10. 2023 Q4

    October 1 - December 31 GiveSmart Events Improvements Phone Number Validation:   in all locations where a phone number is being entered, new parameters have been implemented to ensure the number being entered is valid.  Ticket Order: Admin Cr...