CRM: Bulk Edit Contact Records

Contact records can be bulk edited to apply or remove tags, delete records or merge 2 or more records. 

Locate the bulk action feature by selecting Donors & Contacts from the left navigation, and select Contact Listing from the dropdown. 

Merge 2 or more contacts

Quickly merge 2 or more contacts from the contact listing page via bulk actions.  

Select the checkbox next to 2 or more contacts, and click Bulk Actions.  Choose Merge (Select 2 Contacts) from the dropdown. 

  • When 1 contact is selected the Apply button is inactive
  • When 2 contacts are selected, the Review for Merge button is active
    • Select the Review for Merge button to be taken to a review merge screen for confirmation before merging

Note: For full merge functionality and to perform a scan of all contacts for potential duplicates, review the Merge Duplicates article. 

Add a tag

Utilize the Add Tags bulk action to quickly add a tag to multiple records at one time.  Select the checkbox next to 2 or more contacts, and click Bulk Actions.  Choose Add Tags from the dropdown. 

  • Select Apply
  • When Apply is selected all contact tags in Donor CRM will appear as well as the ability to Add New +
  • Select the tag from the dropdown or create a new tag by selecting Add New +
    • Creating a new contact tag will create the tag and automatically add to the selected contact records
    • If selecting from the list of existing tags, select Add Tag to add the tags to the selected contact records
  • Added tags will appear in the Tags column

Remove a tag

Utilize the Remove Tags bulk action to quickly remove a tag from multiple records at one time.  Select the checkbox next to 2 or more contacts, and click Bulk Actions.  Choose Remove Tags from the dropdown. 

  • Select Apply
  • When Apply is selected the current contact tags related to those selected contacts will appear in the drop down
  • Select a tag from the dropdown to remove from the selected contacts
  • Click Remove Tag to confirm

Delete contacts

Utilize the Delete bulk action to quickly remove from multiple records at one time from Donor CRM.  Select the checkbox next to 2 or more contacts, and click Bulk Actions.  Choose Delete from the dropdown. 

Important to Note: Bulk deleting a contact will permanently remove this donor from your Donor CRM account. 

  • Select Apply
  • When Apply is selected a popup will appear to confirm the permanent removal of these contact records
  • Select Delete Permanently to confirm and complete the removal
  • A confirmation notification will appear in the top right