New Articles

  1. Connecting to Your PayPal Account

    Not only can your donors use their credit or debit card for donations, they can also use PayPal. Note: Donations made through PayPal will deposit through your PayPal account settings, not your Merchant account. It will also use PayPal's fees,...
  2. Connecting Google Analytics to GiveSmart Fundraise

    To enable Google Analytics tracking for your GiveSmart Fundraise account, all you need to do is enter the GA4 Measurement ID  from your GA4 account into the Integrations Settings  of your GiveSmart Fundraise account.  For more information abo...
  3. How do I add numbers to a list?

    You may wish to add additional supporters to a list you already have. Maybe you are uploading a list that has multiple numbers for a supporter and you want to verify which of those numbers are mobile numbers. Maybe you just wish to add more supporte...
  4. Embed Code Section

    Your forms can be embedded on a webpage or linked to as a free-standing donation page using the code in the box of the Embed Code module. For information on how to embed the code into a webpage, click here , or to embed the code into a Face...
  5. Payment Information Section

    This is the section of your form design where your donors enter their method of payment. While you can configure several elements to this section, some elements are required, as described below. If you do not have PayPal or Apple Pay enabl...
  6. Form Submit Section

    The last section to personalize in your form that is visible on the form is the Form Submit section. The main function of the Form Submit section is to show the total donation and the SUBMIT button. Section Heading You can change the title from ...
  7. Logo and Branding Section

    Designing any form in an activity starts with the Logo and Branding section. This section allows you to personalize the overall look of your forms at the form level. It will inherit the settings and images from Shared Settings and/or the Campaign Se...
  8. Video Previews in Text Messages

    Some phones will automatically show a link preview in a text message, which can add a good visual with your texts. To take advantage of this capability, you will need to start your text with the URL. In an effort to increase security, Apple has c...
  9. What is Give Later?

    Give Later is the equivalent of texting a pledge to donate when you do not have your mobile device available. You can enter your name, mobile number, and pledge amount in the Give Later form and you will receive the fulfillment reminders, just as if...
  10. What is on the Campaign Activities Dashboard?

    When you click on your campaign, you are taken to the Campaign Activities page.  This will show all the activities or forms that you have created within this campaign. In the upper right, you can create new activities from this page. The main s...