New Articles

  1. Emergency After-Hours Event Support

    If there is an URGENT issue only, such as the system going down during an event, you may call (855) 322-4483 to contact after-hours technical support. Text URGENT to 51555 to receive this info via text message. ...
  2. Automatic Fulfillment Reminders

    Supporters who have pledged to donate will fulfill their pledge 70-80% of the time when reminders are sent. GiveSmart Fundraise's pledging functionality works in conjunction with Text to Donate, where a supporter can initiate a pledge by texting y...
  3. What happens if one of my donors text the wrong keyword?

    If your donor accidentally texts a wrong keyword they will most likely receive an "Invalid Keyword"   message. If your donor accidentally texts a wrong keyword that is registered to another nonprofit organization they will receive the other organi...
  4. How do I keep track of text messages sent, scheduled and received?

    Select Text within the Message Center of the left navigation bar. On the side menu, click Outbox to see how many messages were sent when. The number in the sent column shows how many people the message went to. The Stats give you Text Analy...
  5. Manage Lists: Mobile Subscriber Lists

    To see lists of subscribers for crowdfunding, fundraising and mobile marketing campaigns click Lists . View subscribers By List or By Individual . Clicking on each list shows a breakdown of which numbers are verified and how many numb...
  6. How will I know when my mobile validation list has uploaded?

    After uploading your list from  Lists > +New List you can refresh the active list screen to see how many numbers have been verified.  Usually this process only takes a few minutes. If you have a large list, or if your list has many fields, th...
  7. Why only 134 Characters for my text message?

    The original standard texting system is known as Short Message Service or SMS. The SMS format allows for a maximum of 160 characters to be sent to a mobile number that is able to accept text messages. This format is generally synonymous with the ter...
  8. Changing Your Password

    Change Your Own Password (Fundraise Only Customers) Click on your Name and Organization in the top right of your Dashboard. Click Profile . You will be asked to enter your  current password , and then input and confirm your  new password ...
  9. Pledged, Pending, and Collected Donations

    What is meant by Pledged, Pending and Collected Donations? Collected Donations Donations that have been completed and fully processed. Pending Donations Donations that have been completed, but have not yet been fully processed. The funds are in ...
  10. Are donor and supporter mobile phone numbers automatically collected?

    Yes. When somebody texts one of your keywords to the correct shortcode, their mobile number is automatically collected. This applies to all kinds of keywords on any of the shortcodes (41444, 51555, 71777, 91999) Constituents that interact with keyw...