Updated Articles

  1. How do I use my Credit Card Swiper?

    Download Quick Reference Guides Download the following quick reference guides for using the swipers at your event. These guides are for reminding you of the steps and assisting your volunteers only. You still need to review the remainder of this ...
  2. CRM: Data Import & Review

    Review manually imported data, automated data flowing to GiveSmart Donor CRM from Events & Fundraise and manage your duplicate contacts from the Data Import & Review tab found in the left navigation.   Important : All accounts will default to...
  3. Changing Your Password

    Change Your Own Password (Fundraise Only Customers) Click on your Name and Organization in the top right of your Dashboard. Click Profile . You will be asked to enter your  current password , and then input and confirm your  new password ...
  4. Image Sizes

    Image sizes on the forms will often stretch or shrink as needed, but it is recommended to have any image in your form be least a width of 476 pixels or more, so that other sites that may share image from your forms, like Facebook, will display the...
  5. PayPal and Venmo

    An improved partnership with PayPal introduces the option for donors to give using either PayPal or Venmo on payment forms.     NOTE : You will need to create a PayPal business account for your organization if you do not have one befor...
  6. Single Sign-On (SSO) Admin FAQs

    When 2 or more GiveSmart products are owned, admin have the option to provide a single sign-on (SSO) experience to any admin they want to have access to all owned products.  Once an admin has been granted the SSO access, they can now create, edit ...
  7. Types of User Accounts

    Instead of having several different roles with different types of access that you need to remember what each level allows, GiveSmart Fundraise keeps it simple with two main types of User accounts or roles: the Administrator (or Admin) and the User...
  8. Users Account Settings

    GiveSmart Fundraise supports an unlimited number of users on your account. If there are others in your organization that need access to the platform you can easily add additional users. From the Users category, you can create new users, edit exist...
  9. 2024 Q2

    April 1 - June 30 GiveSmart Events New Feature Campaign Site Settings:  within the org hub, admins can generate a report to review campaign settings across all campaigns within the organization. C ampaign Item Stats Report : within the...
  10. CRM: Tribute Gifts

    Create in honor or in memory gifts within GiveSmart Donor CRM.  Create a Tribute Gift in Donor CRM From the left navigation select Gifts > Add a New Gift Enter donor information and proceed to the 2nd section of the gift entry pro...