Updated Articles

  1. Equipment Rentals

    iPad & Swiper Rentals To Rent Hardware Click Here Equipment rentals are the easy way to ensure you have compatible devices backed by vendor support for your event.  Ipad and swiper bundles, if needed, can be rented from GiveSmart.Fello.com...
  2. Donor Portal

    The Donor Portal gives your donors direct access to their donation history within the selected organization.  This allows them to view details and download receipts without the need to contact the organization.   Accessing the Donor Portal There a...
  3. Salesforce Integration

    How does it work?  The GiveSmart Fundraise Salesforce integration is a daily automated API sync, which syncs newly settled transactions to your Salesforce instance as Opportunities.    Once the field mappings are established and the sync act...
  4.  How to Enter a Donation

    Making a donation through GiveSmart Fundraise is one of the most important functions to understand. This should be helpful for those looking to see what the donor experience looks like.  Launch the Donation Form To find a donation form link, nav...
  5. How do I map my GiveSmart payment form to a Salesforce Campaign?

    You have the Salesforce Integration with GiveSmart Fundraise , and would like to set up your GiveSmart form so that transactions made through that form will sync to a Campaign you've set up in Salesforce. This article details the steps needed to ma...
  6. Multi-Factor Authentication

    Last Updated: 1/8/25 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a security measure that will help verify your donors' identity and safeguard their payment details. This security feature is automatically enabled on all GiveSmart Fundraise payment form...
  7. Text Analytics

    With the Enhanced Text Message Package , links to your GiveSmart Fundraise activities can be added directly into your text messages. This will enable Text Analytics, allowing you to analyze the success of your marketing. The Text Analytics reve...
  8. Enhanced Text Messaging

    The Enhanced Text Messaging package allows you to get even more out of your texting capabilities by letting you send text messages with your supporters' names, track how well the link in your text message is being received, and you can send longer...
  9. 2024 Q4

    October 1 - December 31 GiveSmart Events New Feature Multi-Factor Authentication:  When a user tries to add a card to their account from either the My Info tab, an item, Self Check-In,  or a text or email with the prompt to add a credit card ...
  10. 2024 Q3

    July 1 - September 30 GiveSmart Events Improvements Events App Swipes: Improves the read of the data when a swipe occurs. Org Hub Account Page : was updated to improve efficiency. It now features a link to the  help center article  on...