Updated Articles

  1. CRM: Add a New Gift

    Watch this video to learn how to add/document a new gift in your GiveSmart Donor CRM account. Steps to add a gift record From the Quick Actions container within the dashboard, click RECORD A GIFT Select a donor  Add to ex...
  2. CRM: Send Year End Letters

    It's the end of the calendar year, your fiscal year, or both, and it is time to send year end thank you notes to all your supporters for the year. While you can send regular Thank You notes using the Send Gift Thank Yous as outlined here , we have ...
  3. CRM: Bulk Edit Gifts

    Gifts can be bulk edited to delete gifts, add/change available fields or remove fields.   Locate the bulk action feature by selecting Gifts from the left navigation, and choose Gift Listing from the dropdown.  To apply an advanced filter or ...
  4. CRM: Bulk Edit Contact Records

    Contact records can be bulk edited to apply or remove tags, delete records or merge 2 or more records.  Locate the bulk action feature by selecting Donors & Contacts from the left navigation, and select Contact Listing from the dropdown.  ...
  5. CRM: Automated Data Sync

    Automatically sync your donor and transaction data from GiveSmart Events & Fundraise to GiveSmart Donor CRM.  This unidirectional sync provides accurate and actionable insights of your GiveSmart fundraising activity and reduces administrative over...
  6. CRM: Merge Duplicate Records

    GiveSmart Donor CRM allows you to efficiently merge potential donor contacts in the module.  Review potential duplicates at different risk levels and compare and select contact information to retain prior to merging, providing you the ability to e...
  7. CRM: Client Settings

          Client settings can be found by clicking on your username in the top right, and selecting Client Settings from the drop down.  General Settings Under General Settings, you can establish the date format, view subscription inform...
  8.  How to Upload and Validate Mobile Numbers

    14% of your donors change their mailing address each year and more than half of them no longer have a landline. Their mobile number is the most consistent record in your donor database, and text messages are the most convenient way to keep suppor...
  9. CRM: Submit a Product Suggestion

    Product Suggestion Policy Here at GiveSmart we love to hear how our platform can better suit your fundraising needs.  If you find yourself wishing we had a certain feature, or have a suggestion on how a current feature could be improved, we want to...
  10. Submit a Product Suggestion

    Product Suggestion Policy Here at GiveSmart we love to hear how our platform can better suit your fundraising needs.  If you find yourself wishing we had a certain feature, or have a suggestion on how a current feature could be improved, we want ...