New Articles

  1. Users Account Settings

    GiveSmart Fundraise supports an unlimited number of users on your account. If there are others in your organization that need access to the platform you can easily add additional users. From the Users category, you can create new users, edit exist...
  2. How to Enter a Donation

    Making a donation through GiveSmart Fundraise is one of the most important functions to understand. This should be helpful for those looking to see what the donor experience looks like.                                        ...
  3. Setting Up and Editing Fundraisers

    When you first go into an existing Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Fundraising activity or right after you complete the initial setup, you will be taken to the Fundraiser Dashboard page. This is where you can quickly see the amount raised, the number ...
  4. When do nonprofit organizations receive collected donations?

    Funds are deposited once they have achieved a settled status.  This typically occurs the day after the donation has been processed. For more answers about merchant services, review the Frequently Asked Questions . ...
  5. Long-form Text Messages

    With the Enhanced Text Message Package , you can send longer text messages to your supporters. Instead of being limited to 134 characters for a normal text, you can now send up to 280 characters! Note:  The Enhanced Text Messaging capabilities ...
  6. How do I delete a keyword or campaign?

    Though a Keyword Activity cannot be deleted on its own, its associated Campaign can be deleted, which will effectively delete the keyword. This article details how to delete campaigns, delete keyword activities by deleting a campaign, and reassign...
  7. Can I choose types of credit cards to accept?

    By default, your GiveSmart Fundraise forms will accept any major credit card. But there are cases where you may have an exclusive deal with one company, such as Visa, or you may not want to accept a specific type, like Diner's or Amex. In these case...
  8. How do I Move Pledges or Donations?

    What are some situations where I'd need to move a donation or pledge? Most commonly, if a donor initiated a pledge or made a donation to an incorrect activity or page, you have the ability to move it to the correct one. Some other use cases are l...
  9. Personalized Text Messages

    With the Enhanced Text Message Package , you can provide a more personal experience by adding donor names and custom field answers to a text message. The option to Personalize will appear at the top of the text message box. Place the cursor wh...
  10. Enhanced Text Messaging

    The Enhanced Text Messaging package allows you to get even more out of your texting capabilities by letting you send text messages with your supporters' names, track how well the link in your text message is being received, and you can send longer...